How to set custom e-mail limit per hour for a domain name Print

  • 25

Via root SSH access, the following method may be used to setup a custom e-mail limit per hour for a domain name, overriding any global limit that may be setup.

1.) For no limit or unlimited, use "0" -- or to define a limit, simply replace "0" with your desired numerical limit (of any number greater than zero).
2.) Given a limit of "0" (i.e., unlimited), enter the following two commands (and replace "domain.tld" with the actual account domain involved):
# echo "domain.tld=0" >> /var/cpanel/maxemails
# /scripts/build_maxemails_config
Once the above setup is completed, a file named after the domain should exist, such as at the following path:
The file (named after the domain), for a limit of 0, should contain a "0" and nothing else; this can be confirmed using a command like the following:
# cat /var/cpanel/maxemailsperdomain/domain.tld && echo
If you wanted to check the current value of all custom limits that may have been added, you could use "grep" in a command like the following:
# grep -HR "" /var/cpanel/maxemailsperdomain
The output of both of these last examples looks like the following:
# cat /var/cpanel/maxemailsperdomain/domain.tld && echo

# grep -HR "" /var/cpanel/maxemailsperdomain


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